Pineapple Glaze

A delicious tropical glaze for cheesecakes, ice cream, and much more!

By Diana Moles
June 8, 2021
A chef spreading pineapple glaze onto a cheesecake
Diana Moles
June 8, 2021


1. Combine the pineapple juice and all but 2 tablespoons of the sugar in a small saucepan over medium heat. Cook for 10 to 15 minutes, until the mixture reaches a target temperature of 225°F.
2. In a small bowl, combine the remaining sugar with the pectin. Transfer the contents of the bowl
to the saucepan and whisk until well combined. Bring the mixture to a rolling boil and then remove from the heat.
3. Transfer the glaze to a heatproof bowl and cover with plastic wrap. Set aside to cool for about 30
minutes before using.

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Pineapple Glaze
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